Just 4 Fun # 42

Hello all you lovely people – it’s fun times again. Exam results are out while many more are on the way. Lakhs of hopeful students and (hysterical) parents have their own dreams chalked out – IT, Doctor or Engineer.

Some helpful guy (or gal though I very much doubt it πŸ˜‰ ) came up with this life chart πŸ˜€

Life of an IT guy

4.Shall I share my screen?
5.Are you able to see my screen?
6.Am I audible?
7.Correct me if I’m wrong
8.Sorry I was on mute
9.Ok… I am sending that email.
10.Did you receive my email?
11.Repeat until…12

Doctor’s life goals:

1. Become a doctor
2. Marry a doctor
3. Have kids
4. Make them doctors
5. Get them married to a doctor
6. Die.

Engineer’s life goals:
1. Study engineering
2. Ask your siblings not to study engineering
3. Ask your friends not to study engineering
4. Tell everybody not to study engineering
5. Die watching everybody still choosing engineering.
At least they meet a common end! Do you agree or would you like to add your own perspective – please feel free! πŸ™‚

In a separate news:

Udta punjab

Wonder what he was thinking! Hmm perhaps he wanted to save on labor and drive in to dump soil for the terrace garden πŸ˜› Or perhaps he (definitely he πŸ˜‰ has some connection with his lab…:


Hmm I would beg to differ. So many things do work but just not the way I want πŸ˜‰

Video rewind

I wonder what his problem is! She should be the one tearing her hair out. For instance, there’s this couple:
A wife asks her husband, “Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6.”

A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk.

The wife asks him, “Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?”

He replied,  “They had eggs.”

Go on, don’t feel shy, you can read it again and again until it makes sense πŸ˜€

Danger sports

Men do like to live dangerously don’t they? But I know some women like that as well – in fact I am constantly with one such woman πŸ˜‰

For some more fun, hop over to Rekha’s blog πŸ˜€

Hope you found something that you enjoyed β€“ none of which are mine by the way. I received all of them as forwards/shares and am just keeping the fun going.

Have a super week and don’t forget to have some fun as well πŸ™‚

And do let me know your favorite – or better still post your own and leave me a link I will be along in just a bit.

WPC: An Orderly Lot

With so much of disorder and chaos all around wouldn’t it be great if there was a genie or a magic wand to order everything to fall into an orderly pattern? Ah well I guess I am asking for too much. But one can dream and hope can’t one?

Until it happens, here are some photos for inspiration.

CargoOf they go in tandem and in sync, not a step wheel out of place –Β  and nobody jumps queue either πŸ˜‰

PanelingUneven strips of stone have been coaxed into a neat orderly pattern

TreesEven Nature falls in line just to show you the way…

HedgeAnd allows herself to be ruthlessly trimmed into a shapely order.

IMAGE_259Buildings are usually made to order – be they for elephants

IMAGE_261Or their mahouts.

BanglesBangles for the bride are always in order – packed or worn. Quite in contrast to her life that is thrown into disorder.

ShoesGo on, choose one πŸ˜‰

ThreadsHere diverse threads and colors have been coerced into order by our very own Svkuki

RangoliWhile here, an unruly bunch of multi-colored petals have been tricked to give an orderly appearance by none other than the wayward and absconding Mymind ;).

Thanks for visiting – have a great day πŸ™‚