CFFC: Colors of S

How many colors do you know that begin with S? Scarlet comes to mind, perhaps Silver but then the mind draws a blank. But why worry when Google is at hand right? So armed with help from the internet I attempt to rise to Cee’s challenge of photos with colors beginning with S.

And here we go:

CactiBy the roadside, a triple bonanza – sandy brown earth, school bus yellow cacti and safety orange flowers πŸ˜€

Scarlett sign

A scarlet sign. I somehow found the sign terribly amusing – Emergency exit to Human Evolution!

Safron liftA saffron frame to an ancient lift

Salmon tileA nanny trying to feed a toddler playing on salmon tiles


Sandy brown wall hangings

SculptureA sandy brown sculpture from ancient times

SlateA slate grey sculpture of Devi Durga as she destroys Mahishasura

Silver peacockA peacock with an intricately designed silver tail

Silver scarletA silver scarlet monster contraption at the airport

Light fixA safety orange light fixer on the roads of Delhi

ParrotA shamrock green monster parrot

Hope you liked my selection of S colors! Have a super day.

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17 thoughts on “CFFC: Colors of S”

  1. enjoyed these and I have enjoyed other posts for the challenge (bushboy has a cool chart with the S colors)\and here – that sign had me puzzled at first – and ahhhh – then I got it – and it is a very fun capture.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning Dahlia. You pretty much cover all the colours beginning with letter s. A few like sea blue, sepia, seashell, spring green, steel blue left which I believe if look again we can find them in your pictures.
    Storm Dylon dissipated by the time it travelled south to London. Now experiencing Storm Elinore. It was very windy last night but it is a lovely morning with sky blue sky with seashell coloured clouds. My lawn is sporting spring green coloured grass.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh spring green – how lovely πŸ™‚ My sister’s recently shifted to Dublin and is I think bearing the brunt of the storms i.e. stuck inside the house, which doesnt go very well with her personality πŸ˜€

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      1. Yes, most of the storms affect Northern Ireland, Scotland and North and west England.We are lucky we do not very severe storms down South and East England. Your sister will get used to all that and will be out as soon as the sun comes out. You do not appreciate the Sun until you live in a place where cold, rain and storms are a norm.

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