WPC: Some Singular Snaps

The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge is to post favorite photos from 2017. I don’t like to play favorites yet there are some photos which stand out from my last trip which I thought could fit the bill. So here they are:

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 7.48.19 pmBirds of a feather separated by a crow πŸ˜€


Just watching the traffic go by. They come and go yet

Lonely travelerthe intrepid traveler plods on and on undeterred and unmindful of the swirling traffic.

FrogCaught the Prince charming hiding amongst the shrubbery on a winter night stroll

GardenA dear friend’s blossoming kitchen garden πŸ™‚

Magic eye

Now for some mystery. Notice anything odd about the door? Go on scroll up and have another look, a third if you so wish. Well did you see it? The Magic Eye? Why on earth it it at that height? Perhaps the carpenter was drunk and decided to fix it while lying down? Or do you have a better solution?

LightOkay now for some real magic. Can you see the light on the wall? Duh. Of course you can.

No lightWell can you see it now? Same frame, same place, but no light! Magic isnt it? πŸ˜‰


This tree was apparently cut down to build a wall. She doesnt much care for the idea does she?


Awaits springAnd finally a cold deary winter morning with the promise of spring. Got my eye on those freshly prepared beds – coming up in just a couple of months πŸ™‚

Cheers to you from 2017 in this New Year with lots and lots of good wishes. Hope you liked!

Just 4 Fun # 69

Well folks here we are at the beginning of another New Year and I wish you all a wonderful year ahead


Now that we’ve got that sorted let’s have a look at the mad crazy wonky look at the world of the irrepressible Indians.


The dedicated service personnel of the Indian Railways

Elephant ride

The ex-Maharaja on his elephant buffalo ride



The diehard photographer – at least it is not a selfie…

ShaveAdjunct uses of a laptop…

Hut acThe eco-friendly resident or just a hard working farmer who has his priorities sorted…

UrchinThe street urchin may not have food in his belly but has enough fire in head to keep him going

Free rideA lady hitching a ride is unusual. Although I have seen many a scooter guy put out a friendly foot on a cycle rickshaw pulling a cart full of goods in order to give the beleaguered cyclist a boost and some respite.

UmbrellaGot caught in a shower without an umbrella? No problem will make one and carry on with an attitude πŸ˜€

Bike rideA New Year’s party perhaps πŸ˜‰

FanCan’t afford a car? No problem – here’s the fan-bike for those hot summer days.

Lock cycleA case of clicking two with one πŸ˜€

Screen Shot 2017-12-30 at 1.06.08 pmCarry and make your own seats πŸ˜€

ScooterWhy waste money on a cab or even an auto? Have wheels will use πŸ˜€

Okay that’s it from me this week people – have a super week and a wonderful Year ahead.

Hope you found something that you enjoyed – none of which are mine by the way. I found them on the internet or received them as forwards and am just keeping the fun going.

And do let me know your favorite – or better still post your own and leave me a link I will be along in just a bit.




Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful fresh happy and healthy New Year. Like this tree may nothing faze you or get you down!

Linked to Becca’s Sunday Trees



you thought



be able

to make it

