Just 4 Fun # 43

Hello everybody! How’s the summer treating you? Terribly hot and humid in these parts. Anyway let’s get down to the business of the day – getting rid of the Monday blues πŸ˜€

Did you see my earlier post on Buildings? Remember a photo of Ambani’s Antilla? Apparently, his driver has been inspired to follow suit in his village πŸ˜‰


Perhaps not so funny but I thought it a remarkable coincidence πŸ˜€ Moving on we have a minion complaint


Point to be noted your honor πŸ˜€


How very true! 😦


Now if only they would have realistic mannequins for females as well….But there is something even better than that πŸ˜‰


Hehe and that is a fact πŸ˜€ And those of you worrying about aging as well, here’s some good news


Now we can safely say



And a final note for those living in ignorance


What do you say ladies? Raise your hands if you agree πŸ˜‰

For some more fun, hop over to Rekha’s blogΒ πŸ˜€

Hope you found something that you enjoyed – none of which are mine by the way. I received all of them as forwards/shares and am just keeping the fun going.

Have a super week and don’t forget to have some fun as well πŸ™‚

And do let me know your favorite – or better still post your own and leave me a link I will be along in just a bit.

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

31 thoughts on “Just 4 Fun # 43”

  1. Haha these are too funny and the info about defining age is super interesting. I guess people are living longer and the parameters of how “old” is defined have changed. That mannequin is too funny though am not sure how many shirts they will manage to sell!



    1. I recently discovered cake ice cream – I could gorge on it breakfast lunch and dinner. But I doubt if it is healthy. Unfortunately nothing delicious! is πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


      1. I know the feeling. I’d finish all the chocolate and chips at home, and say, enough. Then I go do my grocery shop, I see some nice, new junk food on the shelves 😦 πŸ˜€

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