Just 4 Fun #24

Morning folks! The dreaded Monday has turned up like a bad penny once again.

Funny how we are all afraid of something or the other isn’t it?


True isn’t it? But there’s someone who isn’t afraid of anything or anyone. Any guesses?


And new understanding of available facts removes any remaining guilt as well


Go on, what are you waiting for – spread the word


True story!!!

Hop over to Esther’s blog for some wacky real life instructions πŸ˜€

Disclaimer: Over the week, I get a lot of jokes and life philosophies as shares. Some are too good to pass up. Here I share those that appealed to me or tickled my funny bone. Hope you like them too. Please note none of this is stuff is mine – I am just keeping the fun going.

If you too have something worth sharing do leave your link in the comment box or create a pingback to this post.

Have a great week ahead and don’t forget to have some fun too.

And do let me know your favorite – mine has to be the Mama bear. She is cool πŸ˜€

Blending In


Doesn’t she look as if she is trying to blend in with her surroundings? Or perhaps Nek ChandΒ  arranged his sculptors to suit her woody nature.

For Becca’s Sunday Trees 273