CB&W: Look Down

For her latest black and white challenge, Cee wants us to focus on the Ground


A playground


A paved road on the campus


A view of the street in Kolkata


Stairway at the Rock Gardens Chandigarh


A bit of ground reality – Cellular Jail (aka Kala Pani or Death Waters) the colonial prison at Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India.


Baijnath (Lord Shiva) temple built around 1150 AD


And finally, some sound advice to keep your eyes on the ground πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

Thanks for your visit – look forward to your views and comments.

APWC: Fresh

Come join me in the search of some freshness


Fresh air supply available πŸ˜€


A fresh young bud from my Mum’s garden

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Fresh flowers and greens from my Aunt’s terrace garden.

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Yellow blooms at the Lodhi Gardens. Don’t miss the newly wed couple on their photo shoot πŸ˜‰

Fresh vegetables from my friend’s terrace garden – priceless.


And finally – dare I say the best? (But of course not priceless). A fresh crisp 2000 rupee note that is exactly 2 months old πŸ˜‰

Thanks for visiting – do let me know which is the best fresh for you.

Just 4 Fun #21



Well at least he (yeah pretty sure it’s he) has a good handwriting right? Just in case anyone is wondering ‘Arre’ (not Array) is a Hindi word. Hmm not quite sure what it means but mostly used as an exclamation or as a conversation starter. If anyone has a better explanation, please speak up or forever hold your peace πŸ˜€


Funny isn’t it?


But not to the one next in queue πŸ˜‹

Oh well, life is like that, sometimes on your side but mostly not.

But then smile anyway and keep life wondering what you are up to 😎


Disclaimer. Over the week, we tend to get a lot of jokes and life philosophies as shares. Some are too good to pass up. Here I share those that appealed to me or tickled my funny bone. Hope you like them too. Please note none of this is stuff is mine – I am just keeping the fun going!

If you too have something worth sharing do leave your link in the comment box or create a pingback to this post.

Have a great week ahead and don’t forget to have some fun too πŸ™Œ