CFFC: Golden Garden

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is all about Gardens. I haven’t visited any garden recently, besides it’s too hot. But then again who needs to visit a garden when the whole campus is ablaze with Amaltas. I have shared a few pics before but then I cannot resist sharing a few more 🙂

PINo matter which way you go – this way


Or that way



No matter where you look



or look up


No two Amaltas is alike – one may turn completely yellow while the other refuses to let go of her greenery. But then again, all her leaves are not green, some are brown – a true non-conformer. Or perhaps this is her way of standing out from the crowd. 😉

LimeAnd not just that, the trees change colors and by evening, they opt for a more sober shade of yellow.

p4They stand there bedecked and dazzling daring you to look away 🙂

20170529_181941Yet barely a week later, she’s back to her sedate elegant green wear, her flamboyant nature firmly tucked away  – at least for this season 😉

Thanks you for visiting – hope you liked. Have a great day.