And the Oscar Goes to…



And the Oscar Goes to…

Words 98

 “Congratulations!” Shobha hugged Neha.

“Thank you Shobha Aunty. I admit to feeling victorious! You look stunning and…”

“It’s your day Neha. Let’s talk about you…”

“…And no wonder, even after three decades, Uncle is still besotted with you…oh look – Shobha Aunty’s blushing!”

“Why would I blush? Your Uncle should – he’s the one besotted.”

“Oh but I am blushing.” Uncle butted in. “It’s hidden under the tan!”

Liquor and laughter overflowed.

Shobha’s cheeks hurt from all the smiling.

She couldn’t wait to take off her heavy sari and slip into the tattered nightie that mirrored her wedded life.


Written for the Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting and to J Hardy Carroll for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt click here

 Thanks for reading and commenting 😉

For readers of Moonshine, here's Chapter 144