Hanky-panky on the Road

Photo (c) Roger Bultot

Hanky-panky on the Road

Words 100

“Is the presentation okay Ma’am?”

“Yes. But include talking points.”

“I don’t need…”

“I do. How far we from the dhaba?”

“About an hour.”

“I had only a glass of milk and a banana.”

“Would you like a matthi?”

“They are heavy. That’s why I skipped breakfast.”


“Ma’am, what should I order?”

“I am full. I had too many matthis. But the stuffed parathas are nice here.”

“Shall we share one?”

“Make it two. And lassi.”


“When you pay the bill, ask for an extra bill.”


“Reimbursement is impossible without the bill. I’ll keep one. Just in case.”


Phew, this one was tough to squeeze in 100 words. Please feel free with your confusions and questions!

Dhaba: A roadside eating joint

Matthi: A popular Indian salty snack.

Lassi: Yogurt based drink.

Paratha: Indian flatbread.


Written for the Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the challenge and Roger Bultot for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt, click here.

For readers of Moonshine, here's Chapter 142