Redrawing Battle Lines

Photo (c) Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Redrawing Battle Lines

Words 100

“Hello Guddu,” Khushi helped her son down from the bus, “how was school?”

“What’s for lunch?” He asked his favorite question.

“Chicken curry and rice.” She pulled him into a quick cuddle.

“Ma’am said we shouldn’t eat meat.”

Khushi sighed. Another battle.

“But darling you need your proteins. How else will you grow as tall and strong as your father?”

“Animals have feelings too. They hurt when…”

“Okay fine,” Khushi capitulated, “so you’re fine with no Maggi, no chocolates…?”

“No Maggi?”

Khushi shrugged. “Plants have feelings too.”

“I don’t want rice and chicken.” Guddu insisted. “I want a chicken burger.”


Written for the Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the challenge and the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt, click here.

Thanks for reading! If you like you can read my other Friday Fictioneer stories here – indexed, with snippets/teasers and color-coded recommendations 😀

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64 thoughts on “Redrawing Battle Lines”

  1. Hahaha. That was a very fun story, Dahlia and wonderfully written, as always.
    It’s possible that Guddu wouldnt have had meat for a while, had it not been for his mother’s counter-argument. Teachers have such a great influence on young minds.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. OOPS, LOVELY CONVERSATION, but i can assure you very soon “gingerbread man”will also begin to have feelings…kids are so smart these days…loved the story…seee the mums getting so many compliments….lucky her

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My wife has a flower farm. Someone once mentioned how it must hurt the plants to have their blooms clipped. Perhaps it does, but at least they get to be oouued and awed over rather than dry up and die on the stem.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Reminded me of my nephew . He was enjoying eating ham and I asked him how can you eat it( I was thinking of the little pig) . He answered ” Easy, I put it in my mouth and chew” I left leaving him to enjoy his meal.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Excellent title. Very well written and relevant dialogue.
    Very tactful of Khushi to turn Guddu’s own words around to negotiate a truce. I think I’ll use this strategy on the little one’s at home.

    Liked by 1 person

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