WPC: Green – The Color of Life

Green is such a wonderful color, so soothing and something I can never get enough of. At one point of time, all my dresses had something do with green. Now it’s all about blue and red 😉 This week, the Daily Post’s Weekly Challenge is about celebrating green – It IS easy being green!

Come join me on a green tour…

Somewhere in Denmark

“Do you have a personal mantra? Mine comes from a childhood song.
“Wherever I go the grass grows greener.” ― Richie Norton

Again somewhere in Denmark

A green spire and a matching green dress 🙂

Park in Delhi

Yellow, red and orange dot the greens

FortGreens own the ruins of the Golconda fort, Hyderabad.

DdnWhiled away many an idyllic childhood day traipsing up and down this stream near Dehradun.

PondiA final green feast – a boat ride through the picturesque Chunnambar backwaters, Puducherry, India.

Hope you liked – ciao until next time!

Do let me know you were here so that I may feast my eyes too 🙂

APWC: Spring

Spring came and went – pushed away by a relentless and impatient Sun. But it was a treat while it lasted. Have a look.

SpringQuite riot of colors isn’t it? This is one of my favorite pictures taken at a park in Delhi. What do you think?

In response to Nancy’s challenge: Spring