MWWP: The Magical Village

Hello and good day to you. Today I am participating in Eugi’s Moonwashed Weekly Prompt. The prompt is Magical Village. It can be any variation of the prompt or the image (below).

The photo is rather magical and made me throw caution to the wind and attempt a free verse. Actually, I am not even sure, if that’s what it is – anyway, here goes.

Fireflies line the path

Magical village

Hiding in plain sight

A lush rustling village

No wants and little needs

Strife there was none.

Oblivious of taunts, curses

and betrayals

Partners for life with

ample space for young’uns

Once they grew roots

they too stayed put.

Some were short, some tall

some colorful, some shy

The naked and the  bedecked

together, no bite in their bark

Phoenix rising from the ashes,

They were that magical.

Passing travellers stop by

Catch a break, 

have a stretch, grab a bite,

Scratch an itch or build a home

They leave without even

A hug, a pat or a backward glance

Once in a while

When the weather is fine,

a light wind blowing

they nod and

wave to each other

going about their daily chores

Day in and day out, these

voiceless master chefs concoct

magic out of thin air

Some make tea, some coffee

Offering children of their heart

an arm, a leg, their whole being

With no expectations

the tireless village plods on

in pursuit of its

Endless thankless task

-- Feed and sustain

20 quintillion lives and counting

Thanks for visiting and your kind comments and suggestions. Have a super weekend.

Note (8/10/23): I changed the title of the poem as I felt that otherwise the poem was very obscure for most readers. Do let me know your thoughts. Thanks

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22 thoughts on “MWWP: The Magical Village”

  1. Your poem reading again reminds me of my Cherry tree.A beautiful tree which gave us pleasure in spring with white blossoms ,juicy cherries whch fed flocks of black birds and parakeets as well as us nd lovely colours in Autumn. Sadly though neighbours did not like the rangoli of fallen leaves in their garden and started chopping off branches praying that the tree to die.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your cherry tree has provided a lot of comfort and joy to me as well. Can’t believe that some could pray that it dies🙄😮‍💨 Here permission is required to chop off branches


Go on - express yourself!