Better Off


Photo (c) J Hardy Carroll

Better Off

Words 100

“Radha’s absent again&^%@!”

“Relax Dhruv,” Smita spoke wearily, “Radha has domestic issues.”

“I wish you wouldn’t gossip with these low class…”

“Aren’t you late for office?”

“Yes. But you rest.” Dhruv ordered. “Don’t bother about housework or office work.”

Smita sniffled.

“Don’t cry darling.” He hugged her. “Next time.” He promised.

What if next time also…?


“Sorry Madamji.” Radha attacked the dishes. “My husband bribed the sonography doctor… “

“You’re expecting a girl.” Smita predicted dully. “He forced you to undergo an abortion.”

“Yes. But I thrashed him and kicked him out.”

Next time

Why wait?

She dialed 100.


A/N Somehow I really struggled with this story and still not sure if I managed to convey what I set out to. Perhaps the note below will clarify matters. Do let me know if you needed the help of the note or not. Thank you for reading.

Written for the Friday Fictoneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the challenge and J Hardy Carroll for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt click here.

 As per Indian census data, female feticide is higher among those with the better socioeconomic status and literacy. Incomprehensible, inexplicable, reprehensible but there it is.