F = Fishy Business

While most regions of India shun non-vegetarian food during auspicious occasions such as weddings, Bengali weddings are incomplete (indeed unacceptable) without non-vegetarian food. Fish, in particular, is very close to the heart of the true Bengali. In fact, it is considered inauspicious for a married woman to refuse to partake fish. After the wedding, the bride and groom are served a lavish meal comprising of a numerous items including a variety of fish preparations.

But what is perhaps most remarkable (and weird) is that before the wedding, along with clothes and other gifts that arrive from the groom’s family to the bride’s house, is a whole fish (usually Rohu or carp), decorated like a bride complete with vermilion and nose-ring!

Fishy gift

However, as now more and more intercultural marriages are happening, in case the bride’s family is not comfortable with such fishy practices, sweets in the shape of fish are considered an acceptable alternative.

Thought for the day: When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain:- Mark Twain

And I too am fishing – for comments 😉
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