6WSP: Goodbye

Hello everyone, hope you all are having a good weekend, not like me down with a headache, since yesterday and an awful night. Decided to cheer myself with some virtual fun – anything to get my mind off my headache πŸ˜€

I am attempting two challenges together – Shweta’s Saturday Six Word Story Prompt (the prompt this week is Goodbye) and Debbie’s Saturday six-word musings (my first time) where the “key rule is to have a title of six words – and then create around that the post that you desire! Perhaps in bunches of 6 words if you’re feeling inspired.”

A few 6 word stories which I think work alone and perhaps as a bunch too.

I hope I am not breaking any rules πŸ˜›

Here goes:


She always had the last word

Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

How about also see you tomorrow?

Sure. At the beach. Same time.

Well? Or should I not ask?

Thanks for visiting πŸ˜€

One-liner Wednesday

Yeah well today’s Thursday but somewhere it’s Wednesday! πŸ˜€ Linda runs this really cool challenge One-liner Wednesdays and this week the prompt is ‘Opposite of Feverish.’ This is my first time and not very sure how to deal with it one line – but why worry when the internet is at your service πŸ˜‰

I found this really ‘cool’ quote cool

If you’re hotter than me, then that means I’m cooler than you.Anonymous


Don’t you think it fits very well with the prompt?

P.S. It just struck me – my own line is pretty neat for the prompt as well!Β laughing Dont get it? okay fine I will ‘spell’ it out again – I meant this line:-

Linda runs this really cool challenge One-liner Wednesdays and this week the prompt is ‘Opposite of Feverish.’Β rolling on the floorrolling on the floorrolling on the floor

Oops, hope that got none of you ‘hot and bothered’ – okay fine!

I’m going to stand outside, so if anybody asks for me, I’m outstanding. – Anonymous