FF: Broken Beauty

Written for the Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle – a story in 100 words or less. Click here for other stories on this prompt.


Broken Beauty

Words 100

“We have some questions Mr Kar.” Rakesh flashed his ID.


“It’s over a month since your wife disappeared?”


“Any messages. Calls?”


“Any suspicions?”


“Great garden.” Rakesh looked around. “I too like gardening.”


 “That’s quite a contrast, though,” he pointed, “raw, wild and beautiful.”

“That was my wife’s space.”


Rakesh stumbled over a loose stone slab.

“Careful. Let’s go back. There’re all sorts of insects, bugs, even snakes.”

“Interesting.” Rakesh bent down. “Only a couple of slabs have the prolific creeping Jenny around them.”

“Why run?” Rakesh called. “I’ll drive you to the police station.”


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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

40 thoughts on “FF: Broken Beauty”

  1. Mr Kar was very thoughtful to place his wife in her favourite spot, although I don think she’d have appreciated being under the slab. Quick sleuthing by Rakesh. He obviously knows his botany.

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  2. Loved Rakesh’s detective skills in finding the culprit of Mr.Kar’s wife. Mr.Kar thought he outsmarted everyone by burying his wife in her own favorite garden and roaming around free but couldn’t save himself from Rakesh’s naked eye which caught him in the end.


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