Happy Women’s Day

On the occasion of this International Women’s Day, there’s free book for all of you! Draupadi’s Shame: The Mahabharata Reimagined, a short story (< 4000 words), is available for free download from the Amazon’s Kindle store only for today. Hurry! Download your copy now!

Below are the Amazon links to the ebook in countries from where there are maximum visitors to my blog. Others may search for the book in the Amazon Kindle store of your region to download it before the offer period runs out.

Hope you will be kind enough to share your thoughts. And share the message with your friends and family.

And by the way, you don’t need a Kindle device to read the eBook. When you click on the book link, it will take you to the Amazon page, click on the Buy Now (for 0.00 ₹, $, or £ or € or, oh well, you get the gist, right?) once you ‘purchase for free‘ it will be delivered to your kindle account. You can either read it in your Kindle cloud reader, or download the free Kindle app.

Happy Women’s Day!

May you make each day your own 🙂








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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

9 thoughts on “Happy Women’s Day”

  1. Have downloaded and read it already.
    Nice take on Draupadi’s disrobing in front of all the sages, ministers, family and elders. It was really a shameful act.

    Liked by 1 person

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