A Shoddy Job

Photo (c) Adam Ickes

A Shoddy Job

97 Words


“For sale: baby shoes, never worn” 

She sighed. Another blank. Why did she even try?

She frowned and stared at the prompt.

A sturdy pair of shoes.

Just like the ones she needed to fulfill her New Year resolution.

Perhaps she could buy one before the year ended. At least it would be a step in the right direction. The shoes looked comfortable, not something that would give shoe bite. But probably beyond her shoestring budget, she sighed.

Perhaps she would dig out an old pair, go for a walk, and find some inspiration on the way.


Written for the Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the challenge and Adam Ickes for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt (and showcase your story) click here.

Something is better than nothing right? Or not? Go on say it!

Thanks for reading and (hopefully) commenting.

And a second submission here after the ‘inspirational’ walk 😀

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

44 thoughts on “A Shoddy Job”

  1. She wants to buy a pair of shoes for her(?) child as a Christmas present?.
    Sorry, Dahlia, my mind is still snoozing and it is already past 8:30 AM. It is a lovely mild sunny morning. The birds are looking for food and as usual, the squirrel is burying food for winter and will start digging up the garden looking for hidden trove.
    Lovely to see your post today. Thank you. have a good Day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy to see you here, was missing your descriptions 🙂
      I was trying to write a lament on writer’s block and the train of thoughts evoked by the photo prompt.


  2. Hemmingway never minces words. But I understand her discouragement: how can we ever hope to compete?

    So familiar with the longing for that one thing that is financially out of reach.

    And a walk as inspiration–I think Nietzche was quite fond of those. Papa might prefer fishing. 😊love the stream of consciousness in this writer’s oh so familiar procrastination.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much for seeing what I tried to do. I have to confess that I was rather pleased with it but my initial euphoria (more like a gloating glee) was on a sharp down spiral but your comment revived me 😀


Go on - express yourself!