Just 4 Fun #85

I am a bit late with my weekly fun post – been having too much on my own πŸ˜€


A lovely message don’t you think? Let’s see what else I have for you this week but I have to confess my personal resources are dwindling. You think people are less into whatsapping than before? Or their quota is drying up? No way – actually most forwards these days are videos and I don’t even have time to see them all!


A reality I’m afraid and there was one very entertaining video about a guy whose phone battery dies and he initiates a conversation with a lady about her teen and turns out she is his wife and the boy his son πŸ˜‰

WAblindBut I can’t help wondering can they see the screen in such bright sunshine?

Heights of internet addiction…..Β 
At a funeral in church:
A visitor: What’s the WiFi password here?Β 
Priest: Respect the dead.
Visitor: All small letters?




Err by swiping from left to right or right to left as the case may be πŸ˜€


All batteries in the pocket πŸ˜€ Thankfully they didnt ask about the power cable πŸ˜‰


How many of you know what that brown thing is? Go on, dont be shy, raise your hands and type it out – bindaas πŸ˜€



A couple of more works of anti-gravity art works


Super cool eh?

Ending today’s belated offering with a couple of quick jokes.

I went to a restaurant. It was full; no place to sit…
I took out my mobile, placed it to my ear and said loudly – “Bhabhi come fast, he’s here with someone else…”
Sixteen couples ran away…
BBC organized (maybe BBC did or did not – just dont hang the messenger!) a contest where contestants were challenged to write something such that
Feelings of *suspense, curiosity, apprehension, peace, tranquility, anger, violence, anxiety, pleasantness and happiness* are expressed in one short sentence.
The winning entry:
*My wife is not talking*
Umm works just as well with the spouse reversed dont you think?
That’s all folks! Do let me know your favorite and thank you for visiting. And as usual none of this stuff is mine, I’m just keeping the fun going πŸ™‚

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

31 thoughts on “Just 4 Fun #85”

  1. I hope it doesn’t come to it….books being treated as an alien πŸ˜…probabilities does say that it would be the case after some generations though
    The last one takes the cake…and if the roles are reversed….my condition could be defined in a single word β€œpeace”!😁

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahhh, I love reading from a book… with its smell 😍 turn the pages one by one, feel its essence … in short, will always be a Librarian’s daughter 😊😚

        Liked by 1 person

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