WPC: Life Lines

The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge this week is Lines. And guess what suddenly all I can see are lines πŸ˜€ I had to draw a line at the number of photos I dumped on unsuspecting visitors πŸ˜‰

Let’s start on a high note okay?

20180420_202221Lines of wine bottles and delicacies to soothe the sugar cravings

20180418_200814Night lights and lines in a typical Indian Metro city. Any guesses as to exactly which city? Nope not Mumbai or Delhi πŸ˜‰


Petals lined up in a neat circular pattern. That reminds me, enough of interiors! Let’s get hot and dirty.


The bare branched of the Plumeria or the Frangipani trees draw intricate lines in the hot summer sun.


20180413_065405One such tree though not of the trees which whiled away the time drawing lines πŸ˜‰ This one is busy shooting lines at impossible angles that are in the process of being smothered by a green rash πŸ˜€


These Canna leaves have such interesting lines and am enjoying watching them blossom and grow with each watering.

20180425_065002This caladium leaf could easily be mistaken for playing host to a giant pink spider. Don’t you think so too?


Not just in life but in death too the leaves leave messages for us. What do you think it’s trying to say?



I think it is saying C you Soon πŸ™‚

Have a wonderful weekend unmarred by any lines on your brow πŸ˜€

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

24 thoughts on “WPC: Life Lines”

  1. Wonderful selection of random photos on a theme. That’s what I like a lot about your blog – it is random yet so relevant! Looking at a selection of drinks is always such a good feeling…and then you remember you can’t have it all πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved all the pics, each has its own stake in my enjoying the pics…lovely shadow of trees intriguing indeed!


Go on - express yourself!