Just 4 Fun #84


Don’t forget to pack it no matter where you go and even more importantly keep it handy – like your mobile.


Hmm not exactly what I was trying to portray, anyway


Yeah this is more like it πŸ˜€

Err how about an ice cream or two?


This one was too good to pass up πŸ˜€


Very creative dont you think? I just wish I had known about this a week ago – while attending a one week intensive workshop on how to save the world. Or something like that πŸ˜‰

Before I sign off with these pearls collected from the internet and forwarded messages (i.e. none of these are mine) here’s a notice which may be of interest to at least some of you πŸ˜‰

Evening classes for men. Starting this month!
Summer campΒ 
Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty of these contents, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants each.
Topic 1
How to fill ice-cube trays and why to fill water bottles before putting them back in the fridge.
Step by step with slide presentation.
Topic 2
Differences between the laundry basket and the floor.
Pictures and explanatory graphics.
Topic 3
Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming.
Open forum.
Topic 4
Health watch: bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health.
Graphics and audio tape.
Topic 5
Real men ask for directions when lost.
Real-life testimonials.
Topic 6
Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly while SHE drives?
Driving simulation.
Topic 7
Learning to live: basic differences between mother and wife.
Topic 8
How to be the ideal shopping companion.
Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.
Topic 9
How to fight cerebral atrophy: remembering birthdays, anniversaries, other important dates and informing when you’re going to be late.
Admissions are open.Β 
Which one do you think is most important or any that may have been missed?
Oh wait! One final tip…

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

20 thoughts on “Just 4 Fun #84”

  1. Of course, the ‘Moment’ is that I am hungry and I want chips and Ki Farrak Panda. Be happy.Eat chips and have a snooze.
    Have a good day Dahlia.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaaa…. except for one or two, my hubby can take up the instructor’s job for the other classes … sacchiii 😊
    Love the first pic… such joy in their faces!!

    Liked by 1 person

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