SPF: Not Like Us

Photo (c) Alistair Forbes

Not Like Us

Words 200

“Go back inside!”

“Please Mamma, just for a little bit…”

“No! They are dangerous creatures…”

“But Mamma, they are so far away! And there’s a net…”

“That net is so thin and flimsy. And you never know with them, what if they climb over it?”

“Mamma you are overcautious! Nobody has ever crossed…”

“And you would know! How old are you exactly?”

“I find them fascinating Mamma! I want to talk to them, play with them…”

“Enough! Go play with your siblings while I arrange lunch.”

“I don’t like playing with them! They tease me so.”

“Don’t take it personally dear, it’s their kind of fun. If you interact with them you’ll learn a lot.”

“What will I learn? They just like to paw me and chase me all over the place.”

“That’s wonderful! By the time you grow up, you’ll be the fastest. Just like your father.”

“I like their games.”

“How’d you know?”

“I’ve seen them from the tree.”

“I am warning you, don’t you dare sneak off to play with them.”

“Why not?”

“They may hurt you.”

“I’ll go only after they’ve eaten.

“But they’re creatures who kill, hurt and maim even if their bellies are full.”


Written for the Sunday Photo Fiction – A story in 200 words or less. Thanks to Alistair Forbes for hosting the challenge and the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this photo prompt, click here. And just in case you would like to read any of my previous Sunday Photo Fictions click here

Thanks for visiting!

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

22 thoughts on “SPF: Not Like Us”

  1. What a story, the most powerful animal on the earth is talking about the most greedy animal on this earth…one fighting killing to survive whereas the other runs the show….scary, sad disheartening and yet true….

    Beautiful haunting piece….

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I really needed awhile to recognize the perspective…, ) this is very charming and clever.
    And very educative in a sad way. But we also should remember not all human are the same. There are more good ones as we think.
    And for me the most facinationg thing is, that mathematics does not work here. If you go ahead, far away in univers and have a look on earth. You start counting and assess all the actions that each country does (the country as an avarage of the people, who are living there). Afterward I´m sure that the the result of this opinion survey is worse than taking each human and assess their own actions. Why? Because people care. They care of the people they know and the people they love, and this is good, because it shows that they also could care for a little bit more, what could change the world!

    Liked by 1 person

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