Just 4 Fun #71


and best wishes to all of you on the occasion of Pongal, Bihu, Lohri, Uttarayan the day which marks the end of winter and the beginning of summer. In Gujarat it is celebrated by flying kites and the International Kite Festival is also held during this time. It’s a time to celebrate, enjoy and pray


Moving on, this week I have some really cool photos of trees – all forwarded

TreeAmazing isn’t it?

Mrs S

I am very grateful to Mrs S who forwarded me this amazing visual – if you are reading this – thank you!!! πŸ™‚


Sq rootI can’t decide which I like more the roots or the caption πŸ˜€ And now the summers are all but here, how about a trip to the beach?


This what happens when you refuse to wet your feet at the beach. Poor guy can’t even take a selfie πŸ˜€

4th bandarWonder what Gandhiji would have had to say about this addition! And now for some interesting foodie-pretations!


Definitely looks more interesting than the humble khichdi although the Bengali khichudi is equally loaded πŸ˜€


Bit confused here – donuts are sweet and vada is salty. Oh well


I would love to have either of them right night – yummm


πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Isnt hash brown healthier and less calorific than Aloo Tikki?

Baked beans

I have to confess I prefer rajma – what about you? So which one’s your favorite? What none?!!


How true! Isnt it? Well to tell the truth once upon a time it was the best. But alas age and those calories catch and it’s time for my prayers


Hope you found something that you enjoyed – none of which are mine by the way. I found them on the internet or received them as forwards and am just keeping the fun going.

And before you go Just a quick note to brag (as I have already said in my earlier two posts) that I finally did what my blog had been crying out for months, okay years. I reorganized and updated my index making it easier to browse and check out earlier posts with snippets (but I’m still working on the blurbs). If you are free and so inclined how about browsing through Short Stories or Photo posts? Or perhaps you would like to exclusively gorge on all the previous 70 Just 4 Fun posts? Have fun! Feedback and suggestions most welcome!

Have a super week!


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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

19 thoughts on “Just 4 Fun #71”

  1. Great Pictures. The tree with Ganesh image is amazing. It even has a Mushak at the bottom. The American versions of desi foods are fun.
    Good Afternoon Dahlia.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes even I thought so but then the color on it shows that it is a site of prayer so perhaps some editing. BTW did you get my comment on your last post – where’s the bride?


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