WPC: Temporary

The Daily Post offers prompts for photo challenges which are temporary in nature as a new prompt is provided each week. Because of the fleeting evanescent nature of time I couldn’t complete the challenge in the allotted time span. But then again after a lifetime of being punctual and on the dot (and even before the dot at several occasions) I am enjoying the freedom of being late . And wonder of wonders – the world around doesn’t actually instantly burst into indignant protesting smithereens (honestly it continues to surprise me that no such things happens if I am late or even absent :D) πŸ˜‰

So a few selected visuals of all things temporary – hope you like πŸ™‚


Food is so temporary isnt it? Just lasts a mealtime – sometimes not even that πŸ˜‰

20160617_142550Almost sacrilege to dig into such a work of art don’t you think?


The raibeshe dancers create a temporary aesthetic formation. If you like to see more of these amazing folk dancers from West Bengal click hereΒ You won’t be disappointed, I am quite sure.

So what else is temporary?


Coco’s infection

TreeboThe perfectly made bed at a hotel πŸ˜€

HaircutMy sister’s haircut! Mine is sorta permanent πŸ˜‰

ScrabbleA game of scrabble – have you played it? Can you redo the words on the board once the game is over? I did it once and my husband still owes me…

FallThe brilliant colors of fall imported from Germany πŸ™‚

Cheers to you from India Chinese rose Have a super weekend!

Don’t forget to leave me your favorite and what would be your idea of temporary. Thanks for visiting.



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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

28 thoughts on “WPC: Temporary”

  1. Yes! Sometimes it seems so hard to eat food because it just looks too amazing to eat πŸ˜€ Hmmm..I wonder what to eat this weekend πŸ˜€ Your sister has lovely layered hair. Very nice! My hair is similar to that, but straight, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad that you were taking a little time off. Lovely pictures. What a contrast between the picture of Autumn colours of trees and picture of a tropical flower. The kew garden had the same flower inviting people to visit Kew in winter. While everywhere it will be bare trees the hot house will be full of colourful flowers and plants of the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved the photo of the raibeshe dancers! I am a Bengali, though not WB but have a lot of family there. Originally from Jamshedpur, I have had the occasion to see many ethnic/folk performances, though never this one. So, thank you for the photo! And thank you for visiting my blog, which led me your beautiful one. πŸ™‚
    P.S. I also have the wine magnet that I saw a photo of in another of your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Fbn happy to meet you too – a fellow probashi bong to boot! πŸ˜€ Thank you for the return visit and look forward to interacting πŸ™‚ Cheers!
      PS Cannot place what wine magnet that you mention?


  4. Loved this: “the world around doesn’t actually instantly burst into indignant protesting smithereens “! And, poor Coco!

    Oh! my idea of temporary … that small moment when the sun is about to rise from the east and there is a pink paleness to the sky that – flash – is gone in a minute or two as the sun gets brighter…! Thanks, Dahlia!

    Liked by 1 person

Go on - express yourself!