Not That Desperate


Not That Desperate

 Words 99

“Sharpen your tools!” The shrill cry cut through smothering blanket of heat.

She handed a kitchen knife to the scrawny unkempt man.

“That will be Rupees 10.”

Reluctantly she held out a 10-Rupee note.

He bowed over it.

His first earning of the day! She was glad she hadn’t bargained with him.

He sat on his haunches. “I am thirsty.”

He downed the water. “Business is dull.” He looked down. “I haven’t eaten roti for two days.”

Poor man.

She offered him her favorite snack – bread topped with mango pickle.

Gingerly picking up the pickle, he walked away.


Roti: Wheat-based flat bread popular in India

Based on a true incident

Written for the Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the challenge and to Kelvin M. Knight for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt click here.



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60 thoughts on “Not That Desperate”

  1. Dear Dahlia,
    I really like the way you’ve written this, with dialogue, interior thoughts, description of people and their actions. It all fits beautifully with the scene you’re dramatizing. (I like the message, too, of course!)
    With best wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually to be honest he was someone ground stone grinders! A rare find even in those days and given word constraints i took the more familiar profession😊 thanks for visiting


  2. I once offered a homeless man part of my lunch but he wouldn’t take it. Guess he was holding out for cash.

    On a quite separate occasion, I gave a homeless man my leftover Thai food. Hope he liked Thai.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Roti is the Indian version of bread. I found his response very revealing and reflective of human nature. Despite dire straits, we are often fussy and picky about our choices and options. Thank you Linda for your interest 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I figured that out when I looked up pictures. I have a son-in-law whose parents were missionaries in Kenya, specifically the Nairobi area. He grew up eating real Indian food, not the Americanized version. He’s introduced us to some pretty awesome food. I think chicken tandoori is my favorite 🙂

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