A Pick Me Up

Photo (c) Dale Rogerson

A Pick Me Up

 Words 101

“The meeting is weeks away but Her Royal Highness wants the presentation tomorrow.” I fumed. “And I’ve got guests for dinner.”

“In the middle of the week?” Exclaimed Rita, a colleague.

“Exactly!” I wasn’t done grumbling. “There’s shopping, homework, cooking and he’s working late. Hell!”

“A working mother’s life!” Rita waved goodbye.

I maneuvered the car home, adding one more to my list – couldn’t somebody open the damned gate?

Our neighbor’s son, about seven, tapped on the window.

Now what?

He held up a fistful of crushed periwinkles.

“For me?” I gaped.

He nodded and ran off to open the gate.


Based on a true incident 🙂

Written for the Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting the challenge and Dale for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt, click here.


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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

31 thoughts on “A Pick Me Up”

  1. We get our blessings in disguise and actually arise when we least expect it to…but yet it is such an innocent cry of help, unsaid yet given away to you….you were blessed because it was you….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely story. Little things people do make all the difference and we forget why were we annoyed/sad?
    A long time ago I had some argument with my brother and I walked out in anger. As I was walking towards the market I saw a little girl walking towards me. She was wearing a party dress and was carrying a wrapped up present. As we passed each other she looked at me and gave me a lovely smile and at that moment all my anger left me. I smiled back at her and we walked on. My day became bright and I walked tothe market with lighter steps. Even now when ever I am angry/annoyed or upset I remember her and I feel better.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your lovely story. I know exactly what you mean – memory of that sweet gesture is so precious and heartwarming even after so many years. 🙂


  3. Dear Dahlia,

    Leave it to an innocent child with crushed flowers to change one’s perspective. I loved the way her attitude softened. I felt her tension release in that one sweet act. Well done.



    Liked by 1 person

  4. This brought a wide grin on my face. What a sweet child. It doesn’t take away the unfairness of her burdens, but at least it can make her feel better for a moment. He’ll make a great husband one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think we simultaneously liked each other’s posts 😁 What a cute incident and if happened for real, that means humanity and goodness still exist in thus world, especially in tiny hands 💕 Heart warming story

    Liked by 1 person

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