SPF: Accursed

Photo (c) Mike Vore


Words 202

“That house looks eerie.” I said.

“It is haunted.” The villager touched his ears and backed away.

“Really? What happened?” I was intrigued.

“All because of one woman. Curse them all.” He spat.

“Tell me in detail Chachaji.” I offered him a cigarette. He settled himself comfortably on his haunches. He took a deep drag. “Two brothers lived here, Suresh and Ramesh. When Suresh was about 10 years old, they lost their parents. Suresh cared for Ramesh like a son. He refused to get married for fear that his wife may not accept Ramesh. They were model exemplary brothers.”

“Then?” I asked.

“Like any responsible father, Suresh arranged Ramesh’s marriage. Everything was perfect until she was caught.”


“Caught seducing Suresh.”


“She was of course killed on the spot.”

“And Suresh?”

“Suresh’s blameless! His reputation spotless, character impeccable.”

“Why did they leave?”

“The brothers fell out. Accidents happened.” He lowered his voice. “Her ghost forced them to leave.”


“Denied entry to even hell, she haunts that house.”

“Suresh may…?”

“She should’ve handled him better. Men are like little children. She has the power to manipulate and incite them. Mark my words, women are at the root of all evil.”


Written for the Sunday Photo Fictioneer – a story in 200 words or less. Thanks to Alistair Forbes for hosting the challenge and Mike Vore for the photo. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt click here.

Thanks for reading – would love to hear your thoughts and reactions 🙂

For readers of Moonshine, here's Chapter 158



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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

22 thoughts on “SPF: Accursed”

    1. That’s the whole point – she didnt, the injustice of it turned her into a ghost. And no matter who is at fault, she is the one who gets blamed. Thanks for reading and commenting. I left another comment in your post on Odd day or bad day. Did you get it? For some reason my comments dont seem to be showing up on your blog. Perhaps they are in the spam folder?


  1. Wonderful reality brought out so subtly, representing the stigma of our society, your last line is like a decision stamped”its her fault”, shes the evil….horrifying yet true….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The conviction with which chacha has passed his judgment is really disheartening
    Yeah! ” Men are like little children”…they need to grow up!!! 🙄😅

    Liked by 1 person

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