SPF: It’s a Match


It’s a Match

Words 202

Devansh edged towards the balcony. He needed some fresh air. Mom was going to be disappointed – again. Now she would insist that he go to India to find his soul mate.

As if they grew on trees over there.

“…fossilized dreams and aspirations…”

“That’s it! It’s off.”

“Are you crazy? To break off our wedding for such a flimsy…”

“This is a flimsy reason? Do you have any clue, any notion of my emotions, my sentiments? I see no future for us.”

“You’re impossible. I am leaving.”

“You’re still here?”

Rohit brushed past Devansh and vanished.

Devansh hesitated.

Unable to help himself, he picked up a drink and stepped out into the balcony.

“Here, have a drink.”

Mishti glared at him. “Trying to drug me?”

Devansh rolled his eyes. He downed half the glass and held it out to her.

“What happened?” Devansh leaned against the railing.

“That moron…”

“What did he do?”

“He didn’t like my plans for our honeymoon.”

“What plans?”

“A dinosaur expedition. I have been dreaming of it for years. But now all my plans, my money, tickets…”

Devansh’ eyes gleamed. “Maybe we could do it?”

“What? The wedding?”

Devansh coughed. “We could explore that after the expedition.”


Written for the Sunday Photo Fiction – a story in 200 words or less. Thanks to Alistair Forbes for hosting and the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt click here.

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

28 thoughts on “SPF: It’s a Match”

    1. Oops – actually I tried to portray the beginnings of a bonding between casual acquaintances over a common craze for dinosaurs. Does that help? Thanks for visiting and commenting 🙂


  1. A dinosaur pic… and there you go rambling excitedly on finding a perfect match 😉 😉 😉 haha!!
    Oh well, only hope that he explores her too well enough 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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