A Brighter Future

Photo Prompt (c) Shaktiki Sharma

A Brighter Future

Words 99

“Ma, I want more rice.”

“Enough of dawdling. Time to study.”

“Ma…” His sister, Rita, elbowed him. He subsided.

“Go along now. It’s cold. Take my shawl and share it. Rita, remember to switch off the torch. Batteries don’t grow on trees you know?”

“Yes Ma.”

“Ramesh focus on your studies. Himesh keep an eye on him. I will be along soon.”

“It’s raining.”

“Make a dash for it.” Maya pushed them.

Maya’s dinner was soon done.

She picked up a pile of stitching.

Locking up, she joined her children at the bus shelter where they studied every night.


Written for Friday Fictioneers – a story in 100 words or less. Thanks to Rochelle for hosting it and Shaktiki for the photo prompt. To read the other stories inspired by this prompt click here

Oops I seemed to have missed the deadline for the link up…

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

6 thoughts on “A Brighter Future”

    1. Thank you Diana for your visit and comment. Yes I also wish it was entirely fiction – yet I am an optimist! I cannot but appreciate and take heart from the fact that they hope to better their lives through education rather than drugs or other anti-social activities.

      Liked by 1 person

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