SPF: Converted



 Words 196

“When are you going to work?”

“I am working Ma. On my art.”

“But that’s not bringing any returns, not even recognition.”

“Just look at the Sun Ma. Why does it shine? Why does…?”

“The Sun doesn’t have to eat!”

“Relax Ma. Reema earns enough for our needs.”

“There’s more to life than just needs. Aren’t you ashamed of being dependent? Where’s your self-respect?”

“You should be happy Ma. Didn’t you always exhort me to rise above my ego and materialism?”

“It’s not funny! I am sick and tired of defending you and your art. I was so proud of you but just look at you now.”

“You sound as if I am afflicted with some life-threatening disease.”

“What else is this self-destructive behavior? It has been 5 years since you left your job. What have you gained? Money? Status? Recognition? Nothing.”

“That doesn’t matter Ma. I have finally grasped the essence of your lectures.”


“Remember how always quoted the Gita? You have the right to your duty but not its fruits. I understand now. I have the right to paint. The rest – money, fame, status – is not in my hands.”


Written for the Sunday Photo Fiction  – a story in 100 words or less. For other stories on this photo prompt click here.

Just in case anybody is interested, here’s the whole quote (along with the translation):

*Gita: karmanye vadhikaras te/ma phalesu kadachana/ma karma-phala-hetur bhur/ma te sango ’stv akarmani


1) karmanye vadhikaras te: you have a right to work only
2) ma phalesu kadachana: but have no right to the fruits thereof
3) ma karma-phala-hetur bhur: let not the fruits be the motive of doing karma
4) ma te sango ’stv akarmani: let yourself not be attached to inaction.

Thanks for reading – as always I look forward to your views and opinions.

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

33 thoughts on “SPF: Converted”

      1. Yes! Actually I feel the person who writes is different from the one who I thought was me – if you know what i mean. I find it easier to write as Dahlia 🙂


  1. Yes, indeed. This mantra is true for success. If you chase money and success, it will allude you. If you chase learning, improvement, creativity and good work, the money and success will naturally be yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes exactly. This quotation is supposed to one of the basic principles of Hindu way of life and philosophy. It helps to distance oneself from ones failures and accept non-fulfillment of ones expectations and desires.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. In a way that’s right, but his wife may not be able to work some day and then what will he do? He’ll have no work history to help him get a job. Companies want to know what you ‘ve been doing since your last job. I doubt he’ll want to starve or dig ditches for a living. Good writing, Dahlia. 🙂 — Suzanne

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  3. I’ve seen people let go of their dreams just because either they believe they weren’t capable enough or it didn’t generate enough for them. In any case, the quote speaks of an important principle to live by in life. That was a good story and felt so true to read. It reminded me of a comic I saw the other day ‘Was it not worth exploring?’

    Liked by 1 person

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