Pure Fun and Joy

It was hot, sunny and humid. The boys who usually kick up a dust playing football were waiting for the sun to go down. In the meanwhile, the field caretaker watered the lawn. Look what happened! A puddle formed and the parched birds gathered around for an impromptu pool party – a moment of pure fun 😀

Birds having fun while the boys are away

And before you go: – dont miss the mangoes. Mother Nature’s reward to us for putting up with her temper tantrums 😉

Bird Bath
Biting into a juicy sweet mango – pure unadulterated joy

This is in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge prompt Pure. But honestly speaking, completely inspired by Irene’s photos. They are stunning, in a league of their own and not to be missed.

Have a super cool weekend 🙂

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Email me at mysilverstreaks@gmail.com or tweet me @mysilverstreaks

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